Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The first domino

I’m not so great with words.  I’m not writer; I’m not very fluid with the words flowing out of my mouth or onto a page.  “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with action and truth.”

There is so very much that I do not know.  The only think I know is whose child I am.  1 John 3:1 says “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”  I can feel the excitement emanating from these words.  He lavished this love on us!  How can we even comprehend this love of God himself?

A few weeks ago I pushed the first domino and I can only wonder why I did not do this sooner.  At the time I wrote these words: “What took me so long?  I can be so blind when I am trying to see with my eyes.  I have been so worried about this that I looked right past your blazing sign.  I started out blindly walking that you would guide my feet.  When did I open my eyes and start controlling those steps?  I brought on a lot of pain by doing that.  All I need to know is whose child I am.  And here comes the peace.” 

 I was talking about my decision to move to Guatemala and join Hope for Home Ministries.  I have visited Guatemala twice now, and both times I found that I promised myself that I would come back.  How amazing that God is bringing me back to where I left part of my heart?

So, although I hated nursing school with a fiery passion, I knew why I was supposed to be there.  I thank God for that because I would have quit many times over if I did not have specific faces in my mind.  I am a nurse now, and I have no ties on my life.  How gracious God is to make it as simple as that, an opportunity coinciding with a calling. 

So, I am scrapping my 5 year plan because that plan put too many limits on a limitless God.  I can’t wait to see how God moves now that those walls are removed! 

I have already been told that this is crazy, that I have so much potential here and why on earth would I leave opportunities here to go so far away from home.  I will admit that those words gave me pause.  What am I doing?  Do I really want to leave all of my connections here?  To go where I know a handful of people, a glimpse of the culture and a few sentences of the language?  But where could I possibly go but the palm of my Father’s hand.  If this is crazy, then I want to be certifiable. 

I know that there are a lot of new things coming up, but the harder they are the more God is letting me trust Him.  One of these is raising support.  I have never done this, and quite frankly, I think this will be the least pleasant aspect.  But already God is moving.  I spoke with some friends at a bible study on Sunday night, and that night two doors were opened.  I also mailed out letters that I would rather not have mailed, and before they would have reached the sorting center and been sent back to local post offices, I have received word of a couple who wishes to help sponsor me, from a direction I never thought to look.  I thought I was jumping and praying that He would catch me.  I find that he never let go. 

So That’s it right there, I want to be so far gone in Christ that nothing else will do, I want to be lost in Him. 

God bless


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