Thursday, February 25, 2016

New family members, and ministry oppertunities

In the last month, we added two children to our home. Merlyn is one and a half and is an incredibly beautiful child. We were told that she is mentally retarded (a term I know is not used in the US now, but that is what we were told none the less), and we have noted some developmental delays. She is curious and likes to explore. She likes swinging in the hammock swing, and we think the motion soothes her. She is becoming more comfortable in her new environment, although we still have some struggles to work through with little Merlin.


Cesar is nine years old, and has a rough history. We believe he has autism as well. Cesar has the sweetest disposition and always wants to come up for a hug. He speaks a mixture of Spanish and K’iche (possibly misspelled), but his chirpy little responses have to our fascination. He also is learning the routine of the home, and is benefiting from the structure, through which, we have seen a remarkable improvement in his behavior. He also likes swinging in the hammock swing, and playing with his soccerball, and all music. We also still have some struggles with Cesar as well. Please be praying for both Merlyn and Cesar, and for their adjustments into the home and continued improvement as we learn how to best help them grow. 

We were blessed this month by cane training for the visually impaired through Global Cane Outreach ( In addition to donating many canes for the blind, they provided a training session to teach us how to teach others to use these canes to their full potential. Through this ministry, we can train trainers, and reach many of the blind of Guatemala. As always, any ability to reach out physically to those who are hurting, is a fantastic opportunity to reach out spiritually and through a relationship to better spread the gospel. Another example came this month through another local ministry. Vicky Horsfield passed along a donation of teddy bears for us to hand out to some kids in Sipakate. Through teddy bears, Gerardo was able to sit and share the gospel with the kids. Praise God for the new opportunities we will have to share. 

Finally, today members of our team are heading out into a new department to lay the foundations of our work there. They are meeting up with another ministry already working in the department of Quiche’. There are many families there in need of help, including Christian, who lived in our home for a year while we learned how to teach his mother to care for his severe autism. Please pray for their travels, and for the right connections to be made. Praise God for this new adventure!

Here are some fun photos of the kids playing outside.



Thank you all again for your prayers, God bless!
--after His heart--

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