Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Birthing center and rout 14

Hi all,
I hope to keep my words briefer, and my photos more plentiful!

It has been a busy three weeks back in Guatemala. I had the privilege to head to Esquintla, where the new birthing center is now receiving expectant mothers. So far, there are only a few dozen women, but in this community, there will soon be many, many more. On Thursday, our ministry met with three ladies from the health center in Esquintla. This meeting was to evaluate the center, and determine if we will be allowed to deliver first births. This is a big deal because the hospitals are overrun, and in some cases they have two women sharing the same hospital bed. Further, the hospitals push for c-sections very early, and frequently say they are necessary when they just don't want to wait for a slow labor to progress. C-sections are more dangerous to the mother with a longer recovery in a dirty environment. The challenge is that after a c-section, it is much harder to have a natural birth, so it may be that few women are able to deliver at the birthing center.

The meeting went well, and a lot of respect was shown. These women had a heart for the women in their community, and God was glorified how he is moving in Esquintla.
Pray for these women. All of them has a story, and a history. And each of them need to know Christ's love for them. Some are mothers of many, while others are first time mothers. Some are older, and some are very, very young. We don't know all the specifics of their lives, but we can pray for them. We can pray that this birthing center would be known for showing God's love, and a safe place to come, as well as a healthy environment to have a baby.

On the way to and from the birthing center, we were able to take rout 14, one of the roads that was destroyed during fuego's eruptions in June. This was my first time seeing the devastation first hand. Please pray for the families affected. There is so much hurt. And now as the road opens, people fear that their still buried loved ones may never be recovered. This is hard especially for the catholic families as last rights are very important. There is also a lot of unrest toward the government who many feel are greatly downplaying this tragedy. Official counts are far less than those who are still missing, buried underground. Statements such as “my family is still buried under ground and now the government wants to bury me too” show how abandoned many families feel as life in Guatemala continues and their families are still unrecovered.

For me this drive was haunting. We drive this rout so, so often, and have passed these houses hundreds of times which are now buried to their roves. And the massive ravine which now exists shows the power of this, which nobody was prepared for. And yet hope lives in a yet more powerful God.

And finally, in our home, kids grow while laughs and love are shared. Here are some moments caught on camera.
Fun with kids and wheelchairs -- and peals of laughter!
Alison, Jared, and Olimpia found a new spot for storytime

The lunch lineup

Please keep in prayer the families affected by Fuego, as their struggle continues daily. Pray also for the birthing center, and the women who pass through. Pray that they may have safe pregnancies, but much more, that they may know the love of Christ, and how precious they, and their babies are to God.

Once again, thank you for your prayers and support. God bless!
~Katie Riley~
--after His heart--

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