Thursday, August 22, 2019

Continuing work


Rainy season is in full swing.  This is great news because Guatemala has been in the midst of a drought which has taken lives through lack of food.  Rainy season also means a rise in mosquitoes and mosquito born illness such as Dengue fever which has hit our town hard.  The rain also means much flooding in towns that do not have adequate drainage.  Most transportation includes a lot of walking, so leaving the house means the probability of getting soaked.  

Beautiful San Andres just before another rain

The road becomes a river when heavy rains come.


My excitement builds daily as the time to receive our first families draws nearer.  With the help of many helpful hands around the ministry, the house is nearly finished being painted.  Sadly my roof has not escaped rainy season, and blocked drainage soon led to a 3in deep lake across the entire roof.  This standing water also leaked through the block through the ceiling below.  My landlord soon had this cleared and the drain is functional again.  

Last wall painted!  

Doors here use keys as doorknobs, so the door key is left int he lock at all times. 
Here is a set in case small hands misplace a key!

Lake Riley

Leak through the block


I am still enjoying living in Casa Fulp and waking up with baby snuggles, but I know this time is coming to an end.  So for now every moment hugging Cesar and confirming yet again that yes, the moon does in fact come at night, is a gift.  In Casa Chapin, two precious girls were placed by the courts back into a family situation that is less than optimal so say the least.  This has been a heavy blow for the family and those who have loved the girls for so long.  

Brayan playing with the younger kids and bringing out peals of laughter.

Checha loves holding the babies. 
This is perfect when David is fussy and all hands are busy.  

Kevin can be quite fussy at times, but Ale knows
how to get a smile by playing peek-a-boo.  


Ale has been working for a few years on communicating with an ipad.  She uses a program that verbalizes what she types.  A challenge with this is that Ale is still learning to read and write.  So until recently most of her communication has had to be with pre set pictures she could select for her responses.  Now however, Ale is reading and writing more and more.  Now, even on her own she can be found practicing typing out lines from a book, letter by letter.  She can soon use those to expand her vocabulary, and talk about more than just the pictures set in her tablet.   

It's hard to see, but Ale has typed every letter from the first page. 
She is learning letter placement on her keyboard, and word formation.  

Last month baby Anali came, and brought so much joy to so many of us.  She is precious!  We suspected that her case was quite severe, and began sending her to the neurologist and doctor.  Early this month it was confirmed that her case of hydrocephalus, called hydronencephaly, cannot have surgery because of the structure of her brain.  This means that our job is to love her as long as she is ours, and carry her into the arms of Christ.  Although it was already suspected that she was severe, this was still heavy news for everyone who loves her.  


Relationships continue to be built at the birthing center.  The last week of July I had the opportunity to attend one of our ladies and take the lead for her delivery.  This was an encouraging experience for myself, and for Manny and Izzy Alvarez.  Izzy now has been coming to clinic days and learning prenatal care.  

New little man.


August 1st I traveled to Tennessee then Ohio to spend some much needed time with my family and friends there.  I enjoyed visits and seeing how big my nieces and nephews have grown.  This time was refreshing for me, and although not near enough time with my family there, it seemed so long to be away form my family here.  Returning to Guatemala, we talked and in one conversation hit no less than 4 major emotional situations that are in our immediate lives-- the things that in the states could shut someone down for months.  Life here in this ministry just includes so much emotional weight.  Every person you meet, every story you hear is heartbreaking every single day.  I would crumble if it were my weight to carry.  Praise God who lifts up our burdens and walks every step with us.  




Returning to Guatemala

There are many needs across the ministry and country right now.  Please remember those who love Anali as they are walking a long walk that ends in a painful but beautiful loss as a life passes into the arms of Christ.  Pray also for the Chapin family whose home is two lively girls quieter.  Also for the girls; that they are safe, and continue to learn about the love of the father wherever their heads are resting tonight.  Celebrate with us also the great things that are happening in opening the nutrition center.  God is good, and I pray that this home, and every relationship formed within glorifies His name.  

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